Application for New or Existing Service
If you would like to establish a new residential account with Ouachita Electric Cooperative, please complete the application below.
When applying for electric service, we require a $15 membership fee and a $15 connect fee. The membership fee establishes you as a member-owner of Ouachita Electric Cooperative.
In addition, a security deposit may be charged. Call our business office toll free at 877-252-4538 to determine the deposit amount required. Interest paid on deposits is determined by the Arkansas Public Service Commission and applied to bills annually. The Member shall pay the membership fee to become a member of the Cooperative and be bound by the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Ouachita Electric Cooperative and by such Rules and Regulations as may, from time to time, be adopted by Ouachita Electric. A non-refundable service charge shall be paid on all service connects in the amounts shown on the Cooperative’s schedule of Charges and Deposits on file with the Arkansas Public Service Commission.
Note: All fields with the asterisk (*) are required.
Mailing Address
Please enter the address where bills should be sent:
Service Address
Please enter the street address where service is required:
Service Type (Construction Required or Existing Service): |
* |